




00 48 608 767 231


Vitrification of oocytes & embryos

We use oocytes and embryos vitrification process which is at present one of the most specialized techniques used in preserving fertility. Only few clinics in Poland provide this latest method of reproductive cryopreservation. The main advantage of vitrification of oocytes and embryos in contrast to traditional slow freezing is that ice crystals, which could damage the oocytes, do not form and around 95% of oocytes survive the process.



Recent data shows that vitrification of oocytes and embryos can be even more efficient than using slow frozen oocytes for In Vitro fertilization, and it can result in 30-40% clinical pregnancies.

We recommend this method especially to all women who want to delay decision about parenthood until a date they are ready to have children, or whose medical condition can affect their fertility (for example due to anti-cancer treatment).

For how long oocytes & embryos can be vitrified?

Oocytes & embryos can be preserved for as long as you wish, however, a normal maximum period that frozen embryos can be stored is about 10 years. It can be longer depending on the individual medical circumstances.
After the embryos are put in storage, a so-called Cryopreservation Agreement is signed. One year storage payment is made in advance and after that period you are able to extend it. Thus, you have possibility to use oocytes/embryos in the most appropriate time or donate them for adoption purpose, if you like.

Metodę tą poleca się szczególnie:

  • kobietom przed leczeniem onkologicznym, które w przyszłości rozważają zajście w ciążę z witryfikowanych oocytów
  • pacjentkom po stymulacji hormonalnej, u których uzyskano zbyt wiele dojrzałych komórek jajowych (witryfikacja oocytów pozwala ominąć proces stymulacji hormonalnej przed kolejnym in vitro)
  • pacjentkom, które źle znoszą stymulację hormonalną
  • kobietom, które z przyczyn osobistych lub zawodowych chcą odłożyć w czasie decyzję o macierzyństwie

When is vitrification recommended?

Vitrification is especially recommended to:

  • women who will undergo cancer treatment and think to get pregnant afterwards.
  • the patients who do not react properly to ovarian stimulation
  • the patients who underwent ovarian stimulation and produced more oocytes than can be used during one procedure (oocytes vitrification allows to avoid ovarian stimulation before another in Vitro )

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

The Frozen Embryo Transfer is a cycle in which the frozen embryos are thawed and then transferred to woman's body. All necessary tests are required before the procedure. They are done and analyzed by our Specialists. What needs to be emphasized, is that a frozen embryo transfer can be as successful as embryo transfer: risk & circumstances are very similar and every Patient is treated with the individual approach.

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